Make the woods
your grocery store

Oyster mushroom cluster

Do you want to forage your own food with confidence?

Gain lifetime access to over 40 detailed video lessons where we'll teach you how to identify, safely and sustainably harvest, preserve, and cook the abundant wild foods around you

What our course offers:

Learn how to identify the best edible plants and fungi

  • The wild foods included in this course are widespread and abundantly available in North America, even if you live in an urban area like we do
  • We picked all of the wild foods we rely on to sustain us throughout the year- full of energy, nutrients and flavor. 
  • Master key concepts for identifying any plant or fungi so you can keep learning indefinitely
  • Ask Silvan and Jordan your foraging questions
mushroom soup

Don't just survive- thrive

  • Every wild food detailed in this course comes with a guide on how to harvest, process and preserve it so you can eat foraged food year-round
  • Learn how to sustainably forage so you can feed yourself while having a positive impact on the world around you
  • get access to step-by-step video guides of our favorite recipes using foraged ingredients- over 30 included!


Jordan Tony and Silvan Goddin

As lifelong foragers and nature enthusiasts, we've eaten wild food our whole lives. Silvan grew up deep in the woods of North Carolina foraging elaeagnus berries and muscadine grapes and Jordan grew up foraging blueberries, blackberries and grape leaves in the New Jersey pine barrens. We met in college where we both studied biology with a heavy focus on ecology and botany. Over the past 10 years we have really leaned into the foraging lifestyle and at this point basically all of our home-cooked food includes at least some foraged ingredients. 

Six years ago we began challenging ourselves every Fall to go as long as possible eating only what we've grown, foraged, fished and hunted. We now regularly go months at a time only eating food we've produced or foraged and Silvan only gets a little bit grumpy when she doesn't get her weekly chocolate bar. 

We put together this course to share some of the foraging knowledge that we have accumulated over our lives and hope that this information brings you and your family the same amount of joy and fascination that it brings to us. Happy foraging!


"An absolutely amazing course I 10 out of 10 recommend you get it . I learned so much more in detail about things I thought I knew" - Rosemary