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Learn how to live off the land with our Beginner’s Guide to Foraging.

With your purchase you gain lifetime access to over 40 exclusive, detailed video lessons, where we’ll teach you how to identify, safely and sustainably harvest, preserve, and cook the abundant wild foods around you. The wild foods included in this course are wide-spread and widely available in North America, even if you live in an urban area like we do. Through the platform you can message us (Jordan and Silvan) your foraging questions and we’ll answer them to the best of our ability!

*Early Release* We planned to release this course in October, but due to a number of requests we are releasing our course early so you can begin your journey this year while the fruits, vegetables and mushrooms are still in season. We will be adding the “coming soon” modules weekly as they come into season!


Learn to forage with confidence! Let us show you how fun and easy it is to start incorporating wild-foraged foods into your lifestyle in over 40 accessible lessons with detailed video guides, closed captions and searchable transcriptions. 

General Foraging

  1. Introduction and Welcome
  2. Where to Forage
  3. Foraging Safely
  4. How to Identify Wild Foods
  5. Common Highly Toxic Plants and Mushrooms
  6. Foraging Sustainably
  7. Foraging vs Farming
  8. Non-native Invasive Species
  9. Preserving the Harvest
  10. Foraging Equipment
  11. Understanding Seasonality
  12. Additional Resources

Specific Wild Food Foraging Guides

  1. Acorns
  2. Amaranth
  3. Apples
  4. Bittercress
  5. Black Cherries/Chokecherries
  6. Black Walnuts
  7. Blueberries
  8. Burdock
  9. Chanterelle Mushrooms
  10. Chicken of the Woods Mushrooms
  11. Dandelions
  12. Daylilies
  13. Elderberries
  14. Field Garlic
  15. Garlic Mustard
  16. Grapes/Grape Leaves
  17. Lion’s Mane Mushrooms
  18. Hickory Nuts
  19. Morel Mushrooms
  20. Mulberries
  21. Oyster Mushrooms
  22. Paw Paws
  23. Persimmons
  24. Purslane
  25. Ramps
  26. Raspberries and Blackberries
  27. Rosehips
  28. Saskatoons
  29. Elaeagnus Berries
  30. Smilax Shoots
  31. Spicebush
  32. Stinging Nettle
  33. Sumac

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In over 30 exclusive, detailed video lessons, we’ll walk you through how to produce your own high-quality food and really feed yourself from your garden! Whether you’re a brand new gardener or an experienced grower, this course will take your gardening to the next level. Through the platform you can message us (Jordan and Silvan) your gardening questions and we’ll answer them to the best of our ability!


Let us show you how to make your garden grow more food with less effort in over 30 accessible lessons with detailed video guides, closed captions and searchable transcriptions. In our crop growing modules, we share how to grow each vegetable from seed to harvest, how to deal with common diseases and pests, our favorite varieties, how to harvest and preserve your abundance, and more. 

Gardening 101

  1. Welcome
  2. Garden Site Selection
  3. Garden Planning
  4. Soil Testing
  5. Preparing Garden Beds for Planting
  6. Seed Sourcing
  7. Seed Starting
  8. General Pest and Disease Management
  9. General Weed Management
  10. Companion Planting
  11. Composting
  12. Seed Saving
  13. Equipment
  14. Processing and Storing the Harvest
  15. Growing Food with Community

Specific Crop Growing Guides

  1. Tomatoes
  2. Peppers
  3. Potatoes
  4. Beans 
  5. Corn
  6. Squash (Winter and Summer)
  7. Shiitake and Lion’s Mane Mushrooms
  8. Oyster Mushrooms
  9. Beets
  10. Carrots
  11. Peas
  12. Cabbage
  13. Kale/Collards
  14. Spinach
  15. Microgreens

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Purchase lifetime access to both The Beginner Guide to Foraging your Food and The Complete Guide to Growing your own Food!