Homegrown Handgathered: The Complete Guide to Living Off Your Garden We’re so happy to announce that our gardening book is now available to preorder! The …
Our Book- The Complete Guide to Living Off Your Garden- is Now Available for Preorder!

Gardening, Foraging, Hunting, Cooking
Homegrown Handgathered: The Complete Guide to Living Off Your Garden We’re so happy to announce that our gardening book is now available to preorder! The …
It’s sometimes hard to find fresh turmeric at the store and the supplements made from turmeric can be very expensive so we’ve turned to growing it at home
Container gardeners sometimes limit themselves to growing herbs, but once you harvest a crop of container-grown potatoes you’ll see that the sky’s the limit.
Chickpeas are packed with protein, carbohydrates and dietary fiber making them an excellent staple crop for folks trying to produce more of their own food…
We’ve been growing food for over a decade and are still trying out new things that catch our eye, but there are some old standbys we plant every year because they have proven themselves to be reliable and delicious. So here are some of our all time favorites; we hope you give them a try!
Salsa macha is very different from your typical jar of salsa in the grocery store. Think of it as an all-purpose condiment to drizzle on anything that needs some spice, tang, and crunch (and really, what doesn’t?)
Since we started growing corn, I’ve wanted to make tamales. I always associated them with holidays and big events and having never made them myself, assumed they were an intimidating and laborious process. But this year, our usual tamale source fell through and Jordan and I decided it was time to throw our hats in the ring.
We’re so excited to announce that our gardening course is officially available! In over 30 exclusive, detailed video lessons, we’ll walk you through how to produce your own high-quality food and really feed yourself from your garden!
Sneak Peek at Our Upcoming Gardening Course! UPDATE: Our course is now live! Buy it here for over 30 detailed, exclusive video lessons like the …
Scrapple is a Pennsylvania Dutch food borne out of the need to use absolutely every scrap of an animal after it is butchered to feed a family or community with very limited resources. It is essentially a congealed loaf of cooked and ground pork scraps, cornmeal and spices (hungry yet?). The loaf is typically sliced into quarter inch slabs and fried until the outside is crispy…