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How to Make Fruit Shrubs

A mason jar of dark pink liquid sits on a porch wall

Shrubs are a great way to preserve fruit when you don’t have the time or energy for canning. It’s also suitable for fruit that’s a little past its prime that you wouldn’t want to can anyway. I often make shrubs with the tail ends of a fruit crop, or after a foraging trip where I managed to grab a few handfuls of berries but not enough for a major cooking project

pumpkin walnut muffins

How to Make Pumpkin Walnut Muffins

When I was a kid my mother always made pumpkin-cranberry muffins in the Fall so I associate them with changing leaves and cold mornings waiting for the school bus, but these sweet and richly satisfying muffins are good any time of year. A can of pumpkin puree from the store will do just fine for this recipe, but if you’re blessed with an abundance of pumpkins in your pantry like we are, making your own is very simple.